How to setup a reverse proxy via Cloudflare?

Note: always replace “” with your hostname, “” with the given verbolia hostname and “/path_to_verbolia/” with the agreed routed url pattern.

  • On your UI, go to Workers Routes and then click Manage Workers


  • Click Create a service, choose a service name, HTTP handler and click Create service


  • Click Quick edit, copy paste the following code in the editor (left side - don’t forget to adapt the const ORIGINS parameters) and click Save and deploy



async function handleRequest(request) { 
let url = new URL(request.url) 
// Check if incoming hostname is 
// a key in the ORIGINS object 
let target = ORIGINS[url.hostname] 
// If it is, proxy request to that third party origin 
if (target) { 
url.hostname = target 
return fetch(url, request) 

// Otherwise, process request as normal 
return fetch(request) 

addEventListener('fetch', event => { 
* An object with different url's to fetch 
* @param {Object} ORIGINS 
const ORIGINS = { 
'': '', 


  • Go back to Worker Routes page and click Add route



  • Put your hostname followed by the agreed route pattern in Route, choose “reverse-proxy-verbolia” in Service and click Save.